Cranberry Twp Chiropractors : FAQ
We hear many questions from new and current practice members. Here are some of the most common questions and answers…
Do you accept insurance?
We accept most insurances, but insurance policies shouldn’t dictate your health care choices. The insurance policies will change each year, but you’ll always have the same body year to year. Be the master of your health. Just because your insurance doesn’t cover something your body needs does not mean it is not necessary. We have very affordable care plans for any family’s budget. Please call to find out: 724-776-9770
Will I be adjusted on my first visit?
Yes, you can usually expect to be adjusted on your first visit. Give us a call, come on in for a consultation, and we’ll decide together what suits your needs best!
Do I need to have X-rays?
You may or may not need to have X-rays. It all depends on what we find during your initial exam. There are times that we will need X-rays in order to give you the best information about your body. If you have previous X-rays feel free to bring those with you on or before your Initial Consultation.
Can someone who’s had back surgery see a chiropractor?
Yes, every single person can come here, be adjusted and find better health. As Dr. Lippert likes to say, “I help people from the womb to almost the tomb with their health and wellness goals!”

We’re happy to answer your questions. Give us a call today!
Will you suggest exercises or other things that I can do at home?
Absolutely! Your health is a lifestyle that includes choices you make at home.
Once I see a chiropractor, will I have to keep visiting him forever?
No. How you choose to stay healthy is your choice. Getting a chiropractic adjustment is like having a salad or going to the gym. Should you stop eating salads once you’re skinny, or do you stop going to the gym once you’re physically fit? Chiropractic is a healthy lifestyle choice for your spine and nerve system, just like diet and and exercise routines! Chiropractic helps you stay healthy always and not just when your body’s breaking down. So why stop doing something that helps you stay healthy? If you want to maintain your health, you may choose to keep visiting us. Being well adjusted is a key component to a healthy life! You only get one spine and nerve system in this life and you will never be able to trade it in for a new model! Take care of your Spine and Nerve System and your future body will thank you for it!
If you have additional questions, feel free to give us a call. (724) 776-9770